Tuesday, March 12, 2019

We Need a New Project Name

So the current project name EduCycle is already taken.


It's also being used in the education space, and I'm pretty sure Neste has the copyright. So we need a new name, and we need one ideally before the next pitch meeting.

- Kevin

Monday, March 11, 2019

Thanks Joe!

Great idea, thanks for setting this up for Team Educycle!


In our society today, many students are disinterested in education. If exposed to active learning strategies involving real world issues, many more would find the educational process more relevant, fun, and meaningful. Riding the Educycle, and feeling and measuring the energy required to produce a certain number of Watts, can be life changing experience compared to a theoretical lecture about energy. The Educycle uniquely demonstrates how human energy can be converted to electrical energy, and how the generated electrical energy can demonstrate efficiency in lighting. An app has been created and is incorporated into our interdisciplinary team’s project. Many people have experienced the joy of our device, and we hope to engage many more in an effort to stimulate their interest in education and enrich their lives.